Scalp Microblading Treatment

Attitudes Beauty Clinic

Scalp Microblading Treatment

Scalp micro pigmentation treatment is the process of tattooing pigments of hair on the bald scalp. This treatment is often useful for people with thin or receding hairline. This procedure covers up the bald regions making it appear like a fuller region. Micropigmentation helps to curb the appearance of thinning hairline, but in any way does not prevent encouraging hair fall. The process just creates the illusion of hair on the scalp. This is a painless and completely not surgical process to make the hair look thick and voluminous.

How long the pigmented cosmetic hairs stay on the scalp?

Scalp micro pigmentation is often referred to as a permanent hair loss solution, the results tend to stay for 6-7 years. Later the pigments might start fading away, a quick resetting can help to get back the results.

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